Why Your ADHD Diagnosis Is Being Overlooked (and the Path to ADHD Testing in Columbus, Ohio)

A woman sits with a hand against her head while talking to a person with a clipboard sitting across from her. Learn how adult ADHD testing in Columbus, OH can offer support by contacting a therapist in Columbus Ohio today.

Before getting an Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) diagnosis, many people with ADHD feel that “something has always felt off.” Most will look around and notice that the daily grind is harder for them than it is for others. They procrastinate, miss deadlines, and are easily overwhelmed. When people are finally diagnosed with ADHD, they often ask, “Wait, how in the world did this go overlooked?”

According to Russel Barkley’s research, “ADHD occurs in approximately 3-7 percent of the childhood population and approximately 5 percent of the adult population.” However, the majority of adults with ADHD don’t know they have ADHD. Despite being in therapy, talking to their primary care doctor once a year, and sharing their difficulties with some people around them…it often takes years––and their own research (or a loved one’s)––to notice their ADHD tendencies.

But how could something so obvious be so commonly overlooked? The answers might surprise you:

ADHD MaskingA woman with a clipboard gestures with her hands while talking to a man. This could represent the support an ADHD therapist in Columbus, OH can offer in overcoming ADHD masking and more. Search for adult ADHD testing in Columbus, OH and how an adult ADHD therapist in Ohio today.

Many adults with ADHD find ways of hiding their ADHD traits. This is called masking. Think of masking as a defense mechanism. For example, some ADHD individuals are highly organized and perfectionistic as a way to cover up the potential to make errors. While they aren’t calling their focusing issues “ADHD,” many do feel a lot of shame and guilt around their procrastination, organization issues, etc., so they find a way to conceal symptoms from others.

A Co-occurring Diagnosis

Part of what makes an ADHD diagnosis so challenging is that 80% of adults with ADHD have another mental health condition. Anxiety disorders are one of the most common co-occurring conditions with ADHD. Constantly forgetting and struggling to meet goals can be anxiety-provoking. However, anxiety also causes concentration issues. When a person shows up for a mental health evaluation, their anxiety might end up getting all the attention. If their symptoms persist, their care team might think that they need “better anxiety treatment” rather than an ADHD evaluation.

ADHD was Overlooked in Childhood

By the time they get to adulthood, people with ADHD assume someone would have been identified in childhood. However, there are many reasons ADHD gets overlooked in childhood:

  • High intelligence producing strong grades
  • A highly structured home life
  • Helicopter parents
  • Supportive older siblings who had the same classes and teachers
  • Growing up with actual teachers in the household
  • ADHD masking behaviors (e.g. early on-set perfectionism)

A man holding a clipboard and gesticulating talks to a person sitting across from them. This could represent the process of working with an ADHD therapist in Columbus, OH. Learn more about adult ADHD testing in Columbus, OH and how ADHD testing in Columbus, OH can support you today.Hyperfocus

Hyperfocus is a state of total obsession with a task. So much so that everything else gets blocked out. Other time-sensitive tasks fall by the wayside. Time seems to melt away.

Hyperfocus can be a great strength to an ADHDer, but it can also cause a lot of issues in their day. However, when they are asked if they have focusing issues, many adults with ADHD say “actually, I can focus great!”––forgetting about what they missed because their superhuman ability to focus (sometimes) is what they’re remembering.

The Path to an Accurate Diagnosis

Step one: take an ADHD quiz or learn a bit more about ADHD. While this is not a diagnosis itself, it will alert you if you relate to the symptoms. Keep in mind, you can relate to having ADHD and not have ADHD. However, if you have ADHD, you’re almost certainly going to feel very understood when you hear about ADHD. It can be helpful to ask a loved one if they have noticed any of these traits in you as well.

Step two: find an ADHD specialist who does ADHD testing. One of the biggest issues that leads to a misdiagnosis is not seeing a specialist. Being an ADHD specialist means they know ADHD inside and out. Since that is all they evaluate, they understand the nuances that other providers may have overlooked or misunderstood.

Step three: book a consultation call with an ADHD specialist. A consultation call should feel easy, straightforward, and supportive. It’s important that you speak with one of the therapists who actually does ADHD testing over the phone before booking the test. Speaking with the ADHD specialist directly ensures that you get a chance to ask real questions and get real answers. Your time and resources are too valuable to play phone tag about scheduling without even getting the ability to ask about ADHD.

Step four: get tested for ADHD. ADHD testing should be thorough and include multiple assessment measures (i.e.: rating scales, an interview, and an objective neuropsychological portion). The provider should spend as much time as you need going over the test results. You should receive a full written report, including your formal diagnosis. Typically the turnaround time is within a week.

It’s Normal to Feel OverwhelmedA man and woman sit on a couch while talking. The woman holds a clipboard while listening to the man. Learn how adult ADHD testing in Columbus, OH can offer support by contacting a therapist in Columbus Ohio today. Search for an adult ADHD therapist in Ohio to learn more.

Living life with ADHD but without an ADHD diagnosis is confusing. Finding the right resources is daunting and you worry about feeling understood. So remember, a good ADHD testing process includes a comprehensive and accurate evaluation with an ADHD specialist who is supportive and connects with you. Most of all, an ADHD test should also empower you with the knowledge and resources to navigate life with ADHD and start meeting your potential.

Begin Adult ADHD Testing in Columbus, OH

Wondering if you have ADHD? You don’t have to live your life feeling scattered without knowing why. Comprehensive ADHD testing can help you find answers. Our Columbus, OH counseling practice has caring therapists who specialize in ADHD Treatment. To start your counseling journey, follow these simple steps:

  • Fill out the contact form to schedule a free 15-minute phone
  • Meet with one of our caring therapists.
  • Stop feeling like you’re not meeting your full potential. Start getting things done.

Other ADHD Services Offered at Focused Mind ADHD Counseling

Adult ADHD testing is not the only service we offer at our Columbus, OH counseling practice. At Focused Mind ADHD Counseling, we offer a variety of mental health services including ADHD treatment. As an adult with ADHD, we know you may also benefit from ADHD counseling, anxiety treatment for ADHD, counseling for men with ADHD, ADHD-focused couples counseling, or depression counseling for ADHD. You can also view our blog for more resources and helpful info!