Putting Off ADHD Testing in Columbus, Ohio? The Reasons May Be Different Than You Think

John received a referral for ADHD testing in Columbus, Ohio from his Primary Care Doctor a few months ago. His son was recently diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) when a light bulb went off in John’s head: “Could I have ADHD, too?” He raced home to his computer and looked up “how do I know if I have ADHD as an adult?” and there it was…the story of his life. Despite relating to page after page of ADHD content, John had not called to make an ADHD testing appointment for six months.

While his wife has been nudging him for a while, he’s found one reason after another not to call for testing. In reality, his life as an executive, husband, and dad, is truly busy. But deep down, John knew there were other reasons he continued to delay seeking an ADHD diagnosis. What John didn’t know was many of the emotional roadblocks holding him back were common for other undiagnosed adults, as well. Here are some common underlying reasons that hold many people (including John) back from ADHD testing:

1. Years of ADHD Being Overlooked

Despite medical literature indicating adult ADHD as early as the 1700s, adult ADHD has only been part of the ADHD diagnosis since the 1990s. This means that our field has neglected ADHD for decades, and it’s having a pretty serious impact. You yourself might have even heard the phrase “everyone has ADHD nowadays.” This phrase is false. ADHD isn’t a trend, it’s a neurodevelopmental condition.

Because of the lack of ADHD understanding in the field, many individuals with ADHD have been mislabeled or overlooked. In fact, as early as a few years ago, studies indicated that 80% of adults with ADHD aren’t receiving treatment, and most don’t even know they have ADHD. Like John, you might be thinking: why will this time be any different? What John might not know is that seeing an ADHD specialist (as in someone who only tests and treats ADHD) ensures that if he has ADHD, it won’t go overlooked or mislabeled.

2. Gender Roles

How we are socialized in our gender role plays a part in how we seek mental health care. Some men, for example, are taught to be tough. “I should be able to handle this on my own,” was certainly a thought that went through John’s head. Women with ADHD have their own gender-related stigma. Let’s be honest, women are expected to do it all, which can result in issues with guilt and shame. The tendency to convert ADHD-related struggles (i.e.: chronic overwhelm) as “their fault” leads many to quickly dismiss the idea that they could have ADHD. In fact, ADHD can even look different in women than in men, causing women to get overlooked at even higher numbers.

3. Thinking “Isn’t Everyone Else Like This?”

It’s true everyone struggles with focus. However, not everyone has chronic issues with focus like people with ADHD. You see, ADHD impacts “meta cognition” or the brain’s ability to self-reflect. As a result, most people with ADHD aren’t aware that their brains are working any differently than their non-ADHD peers.

4. Self-Critism

Kids with ADHD hear negative feedback nearly 200,000 times more than their non-ADHD peers. Regardless of how successful they become, many adults with ADHD struggle with self-esteem. “I’m lazy” or “I’m crazy,” are terms that ADHD brains say a lot, especially ones that have not been diagnosed. However, receiving a proper diagnosis tends to start the process of self-compassion. Finally, your brain starts to make more sense (once you get the manual).

5. ADHD…

You know, it’s a funny thing about being referred for ADHD testing…a lot of the time it means you have ADHD. This isn’t always the case, because many other conditions can look like ADHD. However, people diagnosed with ADHD tend to chuckle when they realize that their procrastination around getting tested was actually related to them having ADHD.

Let’s Review:

  1. ADHD is often overlooked. Seeing an ADHD specialist helps ensure it won’t be again.
  2. Gender socialization impacts our emotional armor and influences the help-seeking process.
  3. Everyone struggles with focus; not everyone’s struggles with focus are chronic or have an impact on their functioning.
  4. Getting an explanation for how your brain works tends to feel like a relief, not a judgement.
  5. Chronic procrastination is a trait of ADHD and would only further indicate a need for formal ADHD testing.

Begin Adult ADHD Testing in Columbus, OH

Wondering if you have ADHD? You don’t have to live your life feeling scattered without knowing why. Comprehensive ADHD testing can help you find answers. Our Columbus, OH counseling practice has caring therapists who specialize in ADHD Treatment. To start your counseling journey, follow these simple steps:

  • Fill out the contact form to schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation.
  • Meet with one of our caring therapists.
  • Stop feeling like you’re not meeting your full potential. Start getting things done.

Other ADHD Services Offered at Focused Mind ADHD Counseling

Adult ADHD testing is not the only service we offer at our Columbus, OH counseling practice. At Focused Mind ADHD Counseling, we offer a variety of mental health services, including ADHD treatment. As an adult with ADHD, we know you may also benefit from anxiety treatment for ADHD, counseling for men with ADHD, ADHD-focused couples counseling, or depression counseling for ADHD. You can also view our blog for more resources and helpful info.