Five Less-Obvious Signs You’ve Had ADHD This Entire Time

A graphic of a person overwhelmed by multiple messages. This could represent the stress of ADHD symptoms a therapist in Columbus Ohio can offer support with. Learn more by searching "adhd specialist near me" today for more support

If you have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), you know a thing or two about feeling overwhelmed. No doubt you’ve struggled with imposter syndrome and feeling inadequate (no matter how much you achieve). You crave empathy from those around you, but are all too used to feeling tuned out and misunderstood. ADHD is a disorder of everyday life, which is what makes a proper ADHD diagnosis so difficult and why it takes a comprehensive ADHD testing process to obtain an accurate diagnosis. Because ADHD is so nuanced, many of the signs of ADHD are less obvious.

We all know the “picture” of the ADHD child with the messy backpack who is always losing their homework (or avoiding homework entirely). However, ADHD is really more complicated. And adult ADHD is even more complicated. ADHD has lots of subtle traits that many ADHD folks relate to as a part of their daily lives. At the end of the day, ADHD is a matter of executive functioning, meaning the part of the brain responsible for planning, working and short-term memory, organizing yourself in preparation for activities, self-regulation, and focus, just to name a few. However, looking to read between the lines of executive functioning can often offer clues to potential ADHD and an explanation for behaviors that you might have just thought were “quirky” or “weird.”

Here are five less-common signs of ADHD:

  • New hobbies, new hobbies, and (spoiler alert), more new hobbiesA graphic of a person creating a model plane for Focused Mind ADHD Counseling. Learn more about managing ADHD symptoms Ohio by searching "adhd specialist near me" or "what are anxiety symptoms Columbus, OH" today.

ADHD brains crave dopamine. They need to feel excitement often to regulate the mind. In addition, a primary job of executive functioning is getting started and staying engaged. So, it’s super common for folks to be head over heels for new hobbies, only to find that their interest fades into the background. This can account for unused mountain bikes, kayaks, and lots of other expensive undertakings.

  • Task switching

ADHD impacts focus and working memory. It’s common for ADHD folks to get distracted on a task (lack of focus) and then forget what they were doing when it’s time to come back to that task (working memory). The ADHD mind struggles to hold things at the forefront while it’s going to do that task. For example, A graphic of a person walking a dog for Focused Life ADHD Counseling. Learn more about questions like what are anxiety symptoms Columbus, OH by contacting a therapist in Columbus, OH today.ever walk into rooms and forget why you are there?

  • Zoning out in conversation

Similar to a tendency to get distracted on tasks, ADHD minds zone out or gravitate toward other directions when people are speaking to them. It’s not that they don’t care what others have to say, their mind just struggles to focus in the moment, tending to every racing thought or situational distraction, all at the same time.

  • Sensitivity to criticism

Are you familiar with getting in trouble or criticized for unintended errors, particularly as a kid? You know the old “you can focus when you want to” trope? Well, as an adult, you might be no stranger to feeling on edge about getting negative feedback. In fact, you might worry about this so often, it might impact your sleep and even make you avoid risks out of fear of failure.

  • Dreams, plans, and goals are often changingA graphic of people searching for directions around a signpost. Contact a therapist in Columbus Ohio to learn more aobut online therapy in Columbus, OH and other services. Search "adhd symptoms ohio" today.

The ADHD mind often switches plans and goals quickly. Part of this is being swept away by the dopamine of the moment, only to find that passion fades. This is often followed by a sense of shame and guilt regarding the lack of progress toward one’s goals. Bottom line: you long to meet your full potential.


You don’t have to live your life feeling overwhelmed and scattered. Our counseling practice in Columbus, Ohio has caring therapists who specialize in ADHD Treatment. To start your counseling journey, follow these simple steps:

  1. Fill out the contact form to reach out and schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation.
  2. Meet with one of our caring therapists.
  3. Stop wondering. Start knowing and moving forward.

Other ADHD Services Offered at Focused Mind ADHD Counseling

 Adult ADHD treatment is not the only service we offer at our Columbus, OH-based counseling practice. At Focused Mind ADHD Counseling, we offer a variety of mental health services including ADHD testing. We know that as an adult with ADHD, you may also benefit from anxiety treatment for ADHD, counseling for men with ADHD, or depression counseling for ADHD. You can also view our blog for more resources and helpful info!